Friday, August 7, 2009
Dammit! Today school was soo suckish.. -___-'' NDP celebration wasn't like wat it used to be.. Anw nothing much happened at school.. After reaching home, I helped my mum to take care of my nephew.. One hour later, I was sleeping like a PIG (a.k.a Syahirah).. Even missed the Friday Prayers.. At about 3pm+, met up with Hairi,Nafy,Huda and Shidah for practice.. But before that.. I was kinda pissed off due to the fact that ONE big bottle of Green Tea cost about $3+... WTH MAN~~~ K nvm... The past is the past.. After practicing, Hairi,Nafy and me went to play TAKRAW with our friends... And we went home at about 10+ pm.. That was the story of my "7 August 2009" .. errrrrrrrmmmm.. BYE =)
The BOYS! =)

he GIRLS! =)
The FAMILY! =)
The BOYS! =)


The FAMILY! =)

Friday, August 07, 2009 / 0 comment(s)