Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Its like 3am already and im still not sleeping.. wana noe why? cause my dad is sleeping in my room on my bed while snoring LOUDLY(really LOUD)... -__-" I dont get it! Y cant he sleep in his own room? If i wake him up..He will sleep on my room's floor.. And I cant let tt happen cause i pitty him wen i see him sleeping on the floor... SO I DECIDED... I WONT SLEEP! Decided to take out my maths worksheets and start doing some qns.. But Since im NOT a maths EXPERT.. AND ITS LIKE 3am IN D MORNING.. I cant ask anyone for help... Tis is CRAP man! Im sick and tired of it now.. only get to study for 1 miserable hour...(staring at a few qn) since now im in the living room all alone with my laptop and my guitar nearby.. I decided to compose some songs.. I will post some of my songs in the future... My band has a few original songs... but only got 1 created by me.. LOL! but dn worry.. more will come.. =) Hope everyone had a better day than me.. SMILES! =)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009 / 0 comment(s)