I'm, staying in tonight
Watching T.V by myself
'Cause yesterday my girlfriend wrecked my life
I don't want to explain
There's nothing I can say to you
All I got is this one note she left me
It says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then
I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
I'll make up anything yeah, truthfully
So no one finds out she left me
She's, enrolled in the marines
I try to see her most weekends
But in all honesty she's never allowed leave
She says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then
I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
The reason's I don't have a clue
This could easily happen to you
And then you'll know just what it's like
She says that she's not coming back
Not now, not then
Next year or ever
If one more person asks me why
I'll try to lie
And then
I will say
She got herself arrested
Got ten years locked away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
And I could say
She did a bungee jump, rope snapped
She passed away
But that's okay
'Cause the honest truth
I was gonna end it anyway
I'll make up anything yeah, truthfully
So no one finds out she left me

Dedicate to every lovers out there.. =)

Omg.. no life oready... seldom eat too... Cnfrm my weight will drop... Everything seems soo boring lately... No mood to do anything... I WANT TO SCREAM!! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I noe im full of stress now but i donoe wat im stressing about.. WEIRD~
OK! time to sleep... Bye!
I miss you.....

Damn it... School is just too suckish... Aep till almost 6pm.. wat kind of a sick joke is tt.. almost spend 12 hours in school... I noe we need to study and all but DAMN IT! we need to rest too...!
We're just humans.. NOT SOME ROBOTS... We have limits.. This is just my point of view... My thoughts... and My Feelings... I may be smiling and all in class but really... I hate being in school... Thank GOD my frens are with me... If they are not with me.. den school may even kill me... N later on.. i got mock paper... I want to do it but im sure i wont do it properly cause by then i would be sleepy and all... DAMN IT! Lets just conclude this post.....

But i love CHOCOLATES.. Yummy Yummy!~ =)

So today school was boring as usual.. even though my class got 4 free periods.. it was still boring... Got nothing to do!!~~ Actually can study.. but i lazy.. SOOOO I GOT NOTHING TO DO!!!! soooo i sleep... =) After school, went home straight.. Help my brother to take care of my nephew.. den go practice with Hairi, Nafy, Huda and Shidah.. After that, me and Hairi went to play takraw... It was fun but sumthing really dissapoints me.. TMR GOT SCHOOL!! GOSSHH!!!!! I HATE IT!! I HATE IT!! I HATE IT!! ~~~ AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!~~~

Did nothing much at home for today.. most of the time i spend is playing my guitar and watching tv.. So today is kinda borirng... BOO~~ And i dnoe wat to write anymore...
K JUST ENJOY THE VIDEO! Its a cover of Click Five's Empty.. Alot of mistake done,shitty guitar play and a crappy voice singing.. The Video is also out of sync with my voice.. GOSH! hate it wen tt happens... Sorry =(
Anw Enjoy!~~


The BOYS! =)


The FAMILY! =)

OK! Thats it for today, Enjoy the video below...Its an original song created by me recently.. Actually its just a draft..Its a very slow song.. So im sorry if you fall asleep halfway =) And some feedbacks will be great cause its like not perfectly done yet.. And sorry if the lyrics are too common... Enjoy =)
Title:My One & Only
Lyrics by: ME (with alot of help from Cheryl ) Thnx =)
Here's the lyrics:
Girl, you’re the one and only
Noone can be compared to you
Girl, you’re my love and truly
The person who I gave my heart to
Do you know that I need you?
You’re my pillar of everything
Do you know why I love you?
Cause you’re much more than anything
If I would fall, I would fall for you
Nothing will be the same
When you’re gone
And if I would die, I would die protecting you
Cause my life won’t mean anything
When you’re gone
Girl you’re the ray of light
That shines on the dark inside of me
Girl you’re the stars at night
Creating a path of light for me
Do you know that I need you?
You’re like my own brand of heroin
Do you know why I love you?
Cause you’re my angel and my queen
(Chorus) x2
If I would fall, I would fall for you
Nothing will be the same
When you’re gone
And if I would die, I would die protecting you
Cause my life won’t mean anything
When you’re gone
My One & Only =)

Here's the lyrics if u wana sing along =)
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy.
One look put\'s the rhythm in my hand.
Still I\'ll never understand why you hang around
I see what\'s going down.
Cover-up with make-up in the mirror
Tell yourself it\'s never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I\'ll tell you my friend one day this world\'s going to end
As your lies crumble down a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what\'s going down.
I see the way you go and say you\'re right again,
say you\'re right again,
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I\'ll tell you my friend one day this worlds going to end
As your lies crumble down a new life she has found.
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
its coming round again.
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I\'ll tell you my friend one day this worlds going to end
As your lies crumble down a new life she has found

OK! looks like my sweaty body is dry now.. time to hit the showerss! wooo~~ i love SHOWERING! it calms my mind... =)

So i guess thats all for now... I wana rest for tmr's practice... Take care all.. AND GOODNIGHT...

But the weird thing now is that................ IDK wat to post about... But its ok... I got an idea now..Lets talk about my prelim exams.. OK! I did study for my prelims actually =) But still, the papers are really hard!~ However, the subject that i SUCK at..MATHS, became quite easy to me... But still, i know i failed it.. =) But its OK! i tried my best on it.. Just HOPE i can get a great results for my "O"lvl.... OK! Im going to go study soon with my friends, So.. Enjoy The Video Below! My first Brother and me covering a song FOR FUN! ENJOY =)